President's Message

Players, in some ways it is hard to tell, but summer has been spent, it’s over! I do not know who picked Fridays, but it is a great choice of days for golf, I think we only missed two days because of the weather. A group of us continued until November! Thank you goes out to Debbie and Brian for all the challenges, I am not keen on the “Stork” or whatever it is, I am almost always in the other rough.

Here comes winter and all that comes with it, the Christmas Dinner Dance (I hope you got your ticket in time) the cold and what I seem to notice most is the dark, getting out the hockey equipment in the morning and getting the mail from the box in the evening, all done in the dark now.

We know COVID had a large impact on some of our activities and some of us think it is all over, but it is still around, if you feel sick, especially respiratory challenges please excuse yourself for a time until you feel “over it”, I just went through a couple of weeks of breathing problems and checked positive for the contagious disease and I do not know where I got it, so please lets all try to keep it out of our activities. The Flu and COVID will no doubt cause some of us to have to stay isolated for a while, but we can minimize the effect by following the guidelines “wash your hands, cough / sneeze into your sleeve, if you feel unwell stay home and get your shots”.

The City has reassigned some of the time we have been using for our activities and several of the Directors and convenors have put in a lot of work to make what time is available fit for our activities. Thank you to all our volunteers, without you we would not have the great fun we do.
