Our History

The Huff n’ Puff Seniors Fitness Association was formed in London, Ontario in July 1988 by a few seniors who had been involved in casual ice skating, pick-up hockey, baseball and five-pin bowling since 1985. Over the years, we have continued to add participants and activities.

In the fall of 1986, the London P. U. C. provided free ice skating time for seniors at West Lions And Silverwoods arenas. One senior, Al Finch, started to talk about hockey as a further expansion of fitness activity. London P. U. C. provided 2 hrs. of ice time at Silverwoods arena for a minimum fee on Monday mornings. With about 8 to 12 senior skaters playing Shinny hockey the seed for Huff n’ Puff was planted. As news of this group spread, growth began. Huff n’ Puff now had 46 seniors taking part with an average participation of 25. In July 1987, the first formal meeting was held at the home of Bruce and Ruth Greenaway and the founding committee was elected.

Founding Board Members

  • President Ed Loney
  • Vice President Bruce Greenaway
  • Vice President Doug Southerst
  • Vice President Alex Fordyce
  • Secretary Betty Purnell (now Langley)
  • Treasurer Keith Arnold
  • Membership Chairman Gray Poley
  • Directors Ben Benedetti | Ruth Greenaway | Ron Hughes | Al Finch | Don Wright | Clare Butler
  • Bowling Peter Brown
  • Entertainment Art Ferris
  • Public Relations Ted Froates
  • Caterer Spike Crawford

Each year, Huff n’ Puff has grown and at the present time we have over 1,500 members, and activities have grown to fill the needs of the members.

Today, the Huff n’ Puff office can be found at North London Optimist Community Centre, along with some of our activities, but a number of activities can also be found at other sites around London.

Starting in the trunk of a car, a small group of seniors decided an active lifestyle was what they wanted! Mix in social interaction and they were off...it wasn't long before this group outgrew the trunk and needed more space.