
Basic Membership

Wheelie Awesome

Our rides are all in London on paths with some street riding. Members of the group plan and lead the rides. Depending upon the route the person leading the ride has planned for that day. There may be more path riding than street riding or vice versa. The group often happily repeats some routes 3 times or more during a season. The average speed is around 15 km/hr and the distance is approx. 23-26 km. Rides are usually 2 - 2 1ā„2 hrs. long. We have rest breaks during the ride as needed and when we reach the halfway point to turn back to our starting point, we have a short break to relax and socialize.

2025 Ride Schedule

Cycling begins in mid-May

Monday 9:30 - noon
April 29 - September 30
Don Wilmot | See details

Chain Gang

Our group is currently full and cannot accept new riders for the remaining summer and fall. In April 2025, we will have our initial planning meeting and will establish our numbers and any possible vacancies at that time. In the meantime, you may contact the convenor to place your name on our wait list for future use.

2025 Ride Schedule

Cycling begins in mid-May

Wednesday 9:00am
May - September
Maureen McGauley |See details

Pedal Pushers

The Pedal Pushers Cycling group is a cycling group that meets once a week on Wednesday morning from May till October. The rides are at a leisurely pace to enjoy the surrounding sites with a break somewhere in the middle of the ride. If interested in joining contact me at

2025 Ride Schedule

Cycling begins in mid-May

Wednesday 9:30 - noon
May - October 9
Joe Chetcuti | See details
Pat Pallister| See details

Silver Spokes

Silver Spokes cyclists are a diverse group of cycling enthusiasts. We ride approx. 30 kms on Wed. mornings from May to Sept. at an average speed of 15 kph. with one long refreshment stop and several shorter ones. About half our rides are on off-road trails in London and the others are within 1 and a 1ā„2 hr drive of London. We avoid riding on roads, but sometimes must in order to get from one trail to another. Before COVID, we did some overnight trips and hope to once again in the near future. Helmets are mandatory. New members are welcome.

2025 Ride Schedule

Cycling begins in mid-May

Wednesday 9:30 - noon
May - October
Otto Finkenzeller | See details

Blazing Saddles

We are a small group of hard core cyclists. Our rides are from 45 to 80 kms long. We usually average about 25 km per hour. At present we have 15 members who take turns organizing rides. We like quiet country rides with a break for coffee halfway through. Rides are on Friday from 8 am till when ever we finish. We could accommodate up to 20 cyclists. If interested please contact the convener.

2025 Ride Schedule

Cycling begins in mid-May

Friday 8:00am - noon
April - October
Dave Gale | See details