Contact Us

For any inquiries involving a particular activity, your best bet is to contact the convener of that activity. Their contact information is listed on the specific activity page.

Membership registrations and renewals are handled by Maureen Murphy in the Huff n' Puff office. She can be reached by email at During office hours on Monday and Friday between 9:30 and 2, Maureen can be visited at North London Optimist Community Centre or reached by phone at 226-663-5500.

Treasurer Carol Stuebing can be contacted at

Do you have a suggestion for new Huff n' Puff activities? Are you an activity convener needing information from the Huff n' Puff leadership? Activity Chairperson Maureen McGauley can be reached at

President Steve Holmes can be contacted at

Our mailing address is:
Huff N’ Puff Senior Fitness Association
North London Optimist Community Center
1345 Cheapside Street
London, ON
N5V 3N9