Code of Conduct

R Zone

Rzone is a City of London program requiring all persons wishing to visit or use any recreation facility, park or program to respect others and take responsibility in helping the City maintain a positive environment. The "R" in Rzone stands for Respect and Responsibility. Respect for yourself, Respect for others and Responsibility for your actions.

The Rzone program applies to all community organizations and individuals using City of London recreational facilities, parks, and programs.

A City of London Rzone by-law and policy now applies in all City of London recreation facilities and parks.

Rzone counts on organizations such as Huff n' Puff promoting Rzone principles and standards of conduct amongst their own membership. The City will respond to complaints of Rzone violations occurring on City property. They hope the promotional and monitoring activities of the City and organizations using City recreational facilities will contribute to safer, healthier, more respectful recreation environments.

More information here

HnP Policy

Huff n' Puff, wishing to provide a pleasant, comfortable, and safe atmosphere for all members, establishes the following code of conduct for all members

Each member shall:

  • Show general politeness to all concerned
  • Refrain from using profane language
  • Not use aggressive behavior

If at a City facility, the convenor will report to a City of London Employee any incident that involves:

  • The exercise of physical force by a person against another person that causes or could cause physical injury to the other person
  • A statement or behavior that is reasonable for a person to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the person that could cause physical injury to the person
  • The use of profane or abusive language and racial or ethnic slurs
  • Threats and / or attempts to intimidate
  • Throwing of articles or objects in a deliberate or aggressive manner that endangers or causes injury or damage to any person or property
  • Attempts to goad or incite violence
  • Bullying mistreatment or teasing which intimidates, humiliates or demeans another person
  • Vandalism, including vandalism to buildings, contents or personal property
  • Possession of weapons or firearms prohibited under the Criminal Code
  • Possession or consumption of illegal drugs or of alcohol except as authorized by law
  • Any contravention of other Federal, Provincial Laws , Regulations, City By-Laws, Middlesex London Health guidelines or policies that constitute inappropriate behavior
  • Refusal to follow the rules established by the City for use of it’s facilities

The offending member will be warned by the convenor and if the problem is considered serious enough the membership may be immediately and temporarily suspended until the end of the day’s activity.

The President will contact the member and if considered serious enough, the President will have the authority to suspend their membership until the completion of an investigation.

The President will have the incident investigated and will make recommendations of appropriate action to the board. These may include:

  • A letter of reprimand.
  • A suspension from one or more activities.
  • A meeting with a Board Committee.
  • Removal from the membership.

The Board will decide the fate of the member’s membership.

Show general politeness to all concerned

Refrain from using profane language

Don't use aggressive behavior