The Board of Directors are elected at our Annual General Meeting at the end of April. The top positions rotate two year terms to ensure experienced members are available to aid incoming board members.
This is Steve's second term as Huff n' Puff president. He is the Ice Hockey convener.
Doug was president during the difficult years of pandemic shutdowns. He is the convener of Carpet Bowling.
Mike plays volleyball.
Maureen first heard about Huff n' Puff from cycling friends. Although the popularity of cycling meant she needed to wait a year until a new cycling group was formed, that was the start of a long association with Huff n' Puff cycling. She is now convener of the Chain Gang cycling group. She has since tried many other activities, like curling, golf and finally pickleball. She began these activities not knowing most players but soon felt welcome and included. For Maureen, Huff n' Puff is a treasure to be valued by the senior community. She has served on our Board of Directors for many years.
Dianne is part of a proud military family. Three of her four sons are career soldiers, and she has volunteered with the military for many years, serving on the Board of the SWO Military Family Resource Centre. She has been a member of Huff n' Puff since 2009. For her years of service on the Board and as a convener, she has been made a Lifetime Member. Dianne is presently convener of Five Pin Bowling.
Huff n' Puff keeps Debbie active post-retirement and has brought many new friendships that extend well beyond our activities. She is a slo-pitch and volleyball player, and convener of Golf for the last three summers. Debbie joined the Board in 2022.
Carol joined HuffnPuff in early 2023. She wanted to participate in Aquafit as she love the water.She decided to join the Board when they were looking for a volunteer Treasurer. With a background in banking she thought it would be a good fit. Carol enjoys helping others and also hopes to get back to Aquafit soon.
Mitch has been a member of Huff n’ Puff since 2007, participating in pickleball, badminton, volleyball and slo-pitch. She was a longtime convener of volleyball, beginning under the tutelage of Gord Gallagher. She passed on convener responsibilities to Jack and Mike at the start of last season. A board member for several years, Mitch has been secretary for the last two. Mitch has met many amazing people during her years with this group and hopes to see more of a new generation participating in our many physical and non-physical activities.
Deb has a background in finance and software development. Since she joined Huff n' Puff in 2012, she has used those skills to help manage our IT needs, developing and maintaining our Member Database and our new Convener Portal, as well as managing documents, spreadsheets, and computer maintenance. Alongside then president Barry Fay she built our website. She first served on the Board as Treasurer in 2018. Deb and her husband enjoy golfing with Huff n' Puff.
Norene has been the convener of pickleball at North London since 2017. Her first activity with Huff n' Puff was walkfit. She joined table tennis soon afterwards. Norene has been playing pickleball with Huff n' Puff since 2010. She also sings with the Merry Makers.
Jack was prepared for a retirement of golf until he overheard a small group of older guys discussing Huff n' Puff volleyball. He stopped by North London Optimist to check it out. That was in 2015 - he's now the convener of that activity. Since then he has also participated in ball hockey, bocce, table tennis and carpet bowling. Now during the summer he convenes horseshoes and plays beach volleyball. In between, he gets in a little golf. Jack joined the board in 2020.
Rob brings a Fanshawe diploma in Recreation Leadership and several years experience in Municipal Recreation to his role as director. He has been on the board for over three years. He has also volunteered for the London Senior Games board, and is an Athletic Ontario official.
Jane and Al joined the board together in 2023. They've convened curling at Ingersoll and now travel to Ilderton to get their Huff n' Puff icetime.
Jane and Al are both avid cyclists with The Chain Gang.
Margaret cycles with The Chain Gang.
Scott has been the convener of Pickleball at Stronach since the group formed in 2021.
Tim enjoys the variety offered by Huff n' Puff. It gives him the opportunity to play once again all the sports he hasn't played since he was a teenager. Since joining in 2019, he has tried volleyball, slo-pitch, pickleball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, basketball, ball hockey, horseshoes and carpet bowling. Tim is the convener of Pickleball at Carling Heights.
Ray is the co-convener of Table Tennis and was formerly a Pickleball convener at Carling Heights. Ray has served on several community boards, including the London Senior Games, where he organised volleyball and pickleball tournaments. He was appointed to the board in December to fill a vacancy.